Are your teams:

  1. Struggling to build pipeline?
  2. Facing big sales and growth targets?
  3. Worrying about churn and customer downgrades?

You are not alone!  It’s time to figure out WHY and gain the tools required to CHANGE course.



Learn the Success Formula I've developed over the course of my years as a dedicated CRO. With my guidance, you'll learn how to drive your GTM strategy using data, align key teams in messaging and tactics, and produce scalable customer and revenue growth.

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Founders / CEOs


Take stock of where you are and set your team up for success with my structured guidance. We'll identify areas where you aren't aligned internally that are barriers to scalable growth and work through them efficiently and effectively.

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Diagnose the GTM effectiveness and alignment of portfolio companies with their respective plans to enable their teams to break into scalable growth. With structured coaching, they will gain the tools needed to get on track.

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Where You Are vs. Where You’re Going

You know your business best, and odds are you have a handful of areas where you’re facing frustrations as you try to achieve scalable customer and revenue growth. Flip the switch to see where you could be going with structured guidance from an experienced CRO:


We Can't Tell if We Have a Flawed Strategy or Flawed Execution

Our Offering isn't Resonating With the People We Expected to Like it.

Our Pipeline, Sales, and Revenue Aren't Growing at the Rate We Expected

Our Sales Cycle Takes Too Long, and the Win Rate isn't Improving

We Can't Tell if the Addressable Market isn't Big Enough or Our Timing is Too Early

Our Customer Attrition is Too High

You’ve Aligned Your Messaging With Your Ideal Customer To Fill the Pipeline

The Uniqueness of your Solution's Value is Compelling

You Are Growing New Business and Customer Expansion Win Rates

Your Sales Cycle is Predictable and Refined into a Repeatable Process

You’re Making Better Use of GTM Resources to Reduce your CAC

You've Created More Valuable Offerings to Improve Retention and Expand Customer & Market Penetration

Who is the Go-to-Market CRO?

Bottom-line focused Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), Go-To-Market Executive, and Innovative International Business Leader that delivered CAGR of 40%-75% in the last six companies,  with four of those companies attaining Liquidity Events/Exits valued at >$1.25B. 

How Go to Market CRO Can Help You


We work with you to diagnose the gaps in your Go To Market strategy through a full review of your sales and marketing activities, customer feedback, product positioning, team readiness, and more.


We build out a full action plan for you to follow to realign the aspects of your business that are inhibiting growth including value proposition alignment, customer facing frameworks, customer experience and more.


Once your problem areas have been identified and a plan has been agreed upon, we provide ongoing coaching to enable your team to execute the plan and help you track accountability.


If you are on a tighter timeline than can be achieved by your team internally, we work alongside you to teach your team how to do what tasks they have the bandwidth for and fill in the gaps where needed.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Pat’s insight helped me to see my marketing and sales strategies from a completely different perspective. His experience in the world of start-up technology companies provides practical keys to your success.

Mats Hovland Vikse

Chief Executive Officer, AutoStore