Go-To-Market Coaching for

Individuals, Teams, and Companies

With a thorough review of your current structure and processes – we’re here to find what is keeping your company from producing scalable customer and revenue growth and give you the tools you need to overcome it. Whether its as a one-on-one CRO to CRO engagement, advisement of a team, or a full analysis of multiple companies, Go To Market CRO can help you to move past early adopters and start experiencing real growth.

CRO reviews financial metrics


Maybe you’re filling the role of CRO for the first time, or maybe you’re looking to prove your ability to generate success and take your leadership to the next level. Regardless of the reason, it can be difficult to navigate the complexity of life as a CRO – especially if you’ve never had a Go To Market mentor with domain specific experience for guidance. In our sessions, you will grow from my experiences by learning the success formula for the role, what target areas your company specifically needs to work through, and how to use data to drive your team’s execution to the company’s highest priority goals.

Instill confidence in your executive team and investors

Create predictable customer growth

Learn how to quickly adapt to changes and reduce your time to GTM execution

Fully align your Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success Strategies

Apply a Leadership Approach to Hire and Build the Right Team for Success

Founders / CEOs

Your company’s offering has real potential – but your Sales & Marketing Team hasn’t been able to breakthrough from early adopters into the broader market. Your team is struggling to prove the unique value of your solution, solidify who your ideal customer is, or is experiencing difficulties in aligning sales, marketing and product.

Sound familiar? It might be time to bring in an experienced advisor. I will work with you and your team to uncover blockers, create a plan to resolve them, and help drive accountability for execution.

Create a sales & marketing engine all company stakeholders have confidence in

Attain Predictable Customer and Revenue Growth

Increase your value per customer and overall retention

Know how to put the right leadership & team in place to execute

“B2B start-up founder-executives and investors should work with Pat if they want to gain an understanding of how their customer-facing teams can unlock the full potential of their customer acquisition and revenue growth engine.”

– Jim Stollberg, Board Member  |   AutoStore and ShipMonk


You invest in multiple companies with the goal of reaching successful liquidity events – but market penetration or scaling isn’t going quite as expected. I will review the strategies and status across your investments to identify challenges and develop a plan for resolution before guiding the respective teams through the process. With significant CAGR increases of 40%-75% in my last 6 companies and 4 successful liquidity events, I am well suited to help position your investments for success.

Measure the actual level of Product Market Fit and Go-to-Market proficiency of portfolio companies with diagnostics

Transition companies out of “Founder-Led” selling into repeatable customer outcome-led sales

Keep track of Sales & Marketing execution ability for investment diligence with a scorecard

"I have learned as much from Pat about sales, leadership, and what successful Go-to-Market execution looks like as I have from anyone else in my career. It is like having a seasoned coach right at your fingertips"

- Denis Crushell, Chief Commercial Officer  |  PreciseTV

"Companies that adopt Pat's approach stack the odds in their favor of very successful outcomes! I know. I happened to experience a few with him. Don't miss it!"

- Jeff Koser, Founder & CEO  |  Zebrafi

"B2B start-up founder-executives and investors should work with Pat if they want to gain an understanding of how their customer-facing teams can unlock the full potential of their customer acquisition and revenue growth engine."

- Jim Stollberg, Board Member  |   AutoStore and ShipMonk

How Go To Market CRO Can Help You

There are endless variables that can be keeping your company from delivering consistent predictable customer and revenue growth. A full analysis is always neccessary to diagnose each company’s unique blockers – but you can use this table to get a better idea of where you might need help before we get started together.

Go-To-Market Plan
Stick to your plan
Full-Service Support
Get Moving Fast

Initial Assessment

To properly identify the real issues that are keeping you from breaking out into the next stage of growth, you need a full analysis of what you’re currently doing across your business. This includes sales and marketing activities, customer interviews, product positioning, culture review, and more.

After our initial consultation to discuss if I believe I could deliver value to your organization I will begin my deep dive into all of the above and report back on what areas you need to focus on and are likely causing blockers.


Go-To-Market Plan

At the next stage of engagement, I will take my findings from the initial assessment and use them to create a detailed go-to-market plan for your team to reference. This plan will outline the steps needed first to resolve your major blockers and then work into the nitty gritty of where you can improve from there.

If you feel confident in your abilities to use the plan as a guide and hold yourself to it, feel free to take it from there and come back for another assessment once you’ve moved through the major contents. If you are unsure of how to resolve the main issues or if your team doesn’t have the experience to know how to address them – coaching would be the next step.


You know where you are struggling and the actions necessary to resolve them, but you don’t know how to operationalize them. My coaching will support you, your team, or multiple teams in learning how to execute the actions necessary to stick with your new Go-To-Market plan.

By building knowledge and confidence within your team as your company continues to develop, you can apply what you’ve learned in coaching to stay in line with your goals for growth. During your coaching, you can anticipate being held accountable to your goals and working through your Go-To-Market plan efficiently and effectively.

Full-Service Support

If you need to work through your Go-To-Market Plan on a deadline, I also offer more hands-on support and coaching engagements to work you through your plan in record time. Based on your goals, we will decide how to divide the highest priority tasks between your team and myself to make sure they are still developing the skills they will need to maintain your progress going forward while you get aligned with where you are hoping to be.

Initial Assessment

To properly identify the real issues that are keeping you from breaking out into the next stage of growth, you need a full analysis of what you’re currently doing across your business. This includes sales and marketing activities, customer interviews, product positioning, culture review, and more.
After our initial consultation to discuss if I believe I could deliver value to your organization I will begin my deep dive into all of the above and report back on what areas you need to focus on and are likely causing blockers.

Go-To-Market Plan

At the next stage of engagement, I will take my findings from the initial assessment and use them to create a detailed go-to-market plan for your team to reference. This plan will outline the steps needed first to resolve your major blockers and then work into the nitty gritty of where you can improve from there.
If you feel confident in your abilities to use the plan as a guide and hold yourself to it, feel free to take it from there and come back for another assessment once you’ve moved through the major contents. If you are unsure of how to resolve the main issues or if your team doesn’t have the experience to know how to address them – coaching would be the next step.


You know where you are struggling and the actions necessary to resolve them, but you don’t know how to operationalize them. My coaching will support you, your team, or multiple teams in learning how to execute the actions necessary to stick with your new Go-To-Market plan.
By building knowledge and confidence within your team as your company continues to develop, you can apply what you’ve learned in coaching to stay in line with your goals for growth. During your coaching, you can anticipate being held accountable to your goals and working through your Go-To-Market plan efficiently and effectively.

Full-Service Support

If you need to work through your Go-To-Market Plan on a deadline, I also offer more hands-on support and coaching engagements to work you through your plan in record time. Based on your goals, we will decide how to divide the highest priority tasks between your team and myself to make sure they are still developing the skills they will need to maintain your progress going forward while you get aligned with where you are hoping to be.

Schedule Your Free Consultation